There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees. 雇主和雇员之间出现了信任危机。
It saved him$ 100,000 and gave Sizzle It credibility; his clients include Procter& Gamble and the Gap. 这帮他节省了10万美金,同时又提高了自己的公司SizzleIt的可信度。他的客户包括宝洁和服装品牌Gap这样的大客户。
I probably underestimated the credibility gap. 我可能低估了大小公司间的信誉差距。
A credibility gap is almost inescapable between generations. 两代人之间互不信任几乎是不可避免的。
The credibility gap is the result of a deliberate policy of artificial manipulation of official news. 民众对政府的不信任是官方假造新闻政策的结果。
"Nelson said." This book is to build a bridge in that credibility gap. 该书就是为了在这个信用代沟间架起一座桥梁。
There is a substantial credibility gap between what official statistics show and what employers feel on the front line. 官方数据与雇主在第一线的感觉之间存在重大差异。
There remains a credibility gap to be bridged before India can truly be viewed as a major power beyond her immediate neighbourhood. 在印度能够真正在本地区之外被视为大国之前,仍有一条可信度鸿沟有待填补。
The regime has long had a credibility problem because of the gap between its rhetoric and its actions. 这个政权长期以来就存在着公信力问题,因为它言行不一。
Many methods applied at present mostly came from the past experience or was decided subjectively, which badly restricted the credibility of the equation itself and arouse the great gap between the result of aggregated force simulation and the result of high-resolution simulation. 目前采用的方法多是根据经验或直接主观决定,这种方式严重制约了方程本身的可信性,也使得聚合级仿真结果与高分辨率仿真结果之间出现严重的不一致性问题。
Credibility gap and validation gap are the key points to estimate the quality of PSC. 信度与效度是判断PSC质量的关键。
In most stakeholders view, social report released just enterprise plaster self-image, processing a means of public relations, corporate social responsibility information in the paper and the realities of enterprises as the existing gap, both exist "Credibility Gap". 在利益相关者看来,社会责任报告的发布只是企业粉饰自身形象、处理公共关系的一种手段,报告信息与企业实际作为存在差距,两者之间存在一条可信度鸿沟。